Bearing Noise- Cause and remedies


Bearing noise is a critical indicator of the health and performance of machinery. As a fundamental component in various mechanical systems, bearings play a pivotal role in ensuring smooth and efficient operation. However, when bearings emit abnormal sounds, it often signify underlying issues that need immediate attention. These noises can stem from a multitude of causes, including insufficient lubrication, contamination, misalignment, wear and tear, and manufacturing defects. Understanding the different types of bearing noise and their respective causes is essential for diagnosing problems early and implementing effective solutions. This comprehensive guide explores the common types of bearing noise, their causes, and remedies to help you maintain the optimal performance and longevity of your machinery.

Section 1: Understanding Bearing Noise

Bearing noise is a crucial indicator of the health and performance of machinery. As a fundamental component in various mechanical systems, bearings play a pivotal role in ensuring smooth and efficient operation. However, when bearings emit abnormal sounds, it often signifies underlying issues that need immediate attention. These noises can stem from a multitude of causes, including insufficient lubrication, contamination, misalignment, wear and tear, and manufacturing defects. Understanding the different types of bearing noise and their respective causes is essential for diagnosing problems early and implementing effective solutions. This section explores the common types of bearing noise, their causes, and remedies to help you maintain the optimal performance and longevity of your machinery.

Common Types of Bearing Noise

Sound Features Causes
Buzz, Roar, Howl Pitch remains constant with changes in speed (dust/contamination). Pitch changes with changes in speed (damage). Dust/contamination, rough raceway, balls or roller surfaces, damaged raceway, balls, or roller surfaces.
Hissing Small bearings. Rough raceway, balls, or roller surfaces.
Chatter Generated intermittently at regular intervals. Contact with labyrinth or other sections, contact between cage and seal.
Screech, Howl (Grinding Sound) Volume and pitch change with changes in speed. Becomes louder at certain speeds. Sound varies in volume. Occasionally sounds like a siren or whistle. Resonance, poor fit, deformed raceway, vibration in raceway, balls or roller surfaces.
Crunch, Chatter Felt when bearing is rotated by hand. Damaged raceway, balls or rollers, dust/contamination.
Rustle, Rattle Continuous at high speeds. Damaged raceway, balls or roller surfaces.
Whir, Hum Disappears as soon as power is switched off. Electromagnetic sound of motor.
Tinkle Generated at irregular intervals (remains constant with changes in speed). Primarily with small bearings. Dust/contamination.
Rustle, Clatter, Patter, Clutter Generated continuously or at regular intervals at high speeds. Cage noise, inadequate lubrication, worn cage pockets, insufficient lubrication.
Fizz, Pop, Growl Noticeable at low speeds or generated continuously at high speeds. Clashing sound from inside cage pockets, insufficient lubrication, rollers hitting each other.
Clang, Clatter Loud metallic clashing sound in thin section type large bearings at low speeds. Unstable sound from rolling elements, deformed raceway, key grating.
Squeak, Squeal, Growl Primarily in cylindrical roller bearings. Changes with changes in speed. Eliminated temporarily when refilling grease. High consistency of lubricant, too large radial clearance, insufficient lubricant.
Screech, Shrill, Shriek Metal-to-metal spalling sound. High pitch. Spalling between rollers and ribs, small clearance, insufficient lubricant.
Quiet Fizzing/Popping Generated irregularly on small bearings. Bursting sound of bubbles in grease.
Sputter, Crackle Grating sound generated irregularly. Fitting flange slipping, mounting surface grating, key grating.
Large Overall Sound Pressure Rough raceway, balls, or roller surfaces. Raceway, rollers, or balls deformed by wear, large clearance due to wear.

Section 2: Causes of Bearing Noise

Identifying and understanding the causes of bearing noise is crucial for effective diagnosis and remediation. Bearing noise can originate from several factors, each contributing to different types of sounds and potential issues.

Dust and Contamination

Dust and contamination are common causes of bearing noise. Particles entering the bearing assembly increase friction and cause irregular noises, leading to excessive wear and reduced performance.

Effects on Bearing Performance

Contaminants can cause excessive wear, leading to rough surfaces and increased friction, which generate noise. This significantly affects the performance and longevity of the bearings.

Preventive Measures

Implementing proper sealing mechanisms and maintaining a clean environment around the bearings can significantly reduce contamination risks. Regular cleaning and inspection routines are also essential.

Rough or Damaged Surfaces

Surface irregularities on raceways, balls, or rollers can cause bearing noise.

Identifying Issues

Visual and tactile inspections can help identify rough or damaged surfaces. Common signs include pitting, scoring, or uneven wear.

Impact on Noise Levels

Rough surfaces increase friction and cause uneven load distribution, resulting in loud and irregular noises.

Insufficient Lubrication

Proper lubrication is vital for reducing friction and preventing noise.

Role of Lubrication

Lubricants create a protective film between moving parts, reducing friction and wear. They also help dissipate heat generated during operation.

Signs of Insufficient Lubrication

Increased operating temperatures, unusual noises, and accelerated wear are indicators of inadequate lubrication.

Deformed or Worn Components

Wear and deformation of bearing components can lead to noise.

Common Issues

Common issues include deformed raceways, worn balls or rollers, and damaged cages.

Noise Generation Mechanisms

Deformed components cause uneven load distribution and increased friction, leading to noise.

Resonance and Poor Fit

Resonance and improper fitment of bearing components can exacerbate noise issues.

Understanding Resonance

Resonance occurs when the natural frequency of the bearing matches the operational frequency, amplifying vibrations and noise.

Importance of Proper Fit

Ensuring correct fitment and alignment of bearing components minimizes resonance and noise.

Electromagnetic Sounds

Electromagnetic interference from motors and electrical components can induce bearing noise.

Sources and Mitigation Techniques

Implementing proper grounding and shielding techniques can reduce electromagnetic interference and associated noise.

stethoscopes, acoustic emission sensors


Section 3: Diagnosing Bearing Noise

Accurate diagnosis of bearing noise issues is essential for implementing targeted corrective actions and ensuring optimal machinery performance. Various techniques and tools are available to help identify the sources and causes of bearing noise.

Listening Techniques

Auditory inspection methods can help identify specific bearing noise issues.

Methods and Tools

Using stethoscopes, acoustic emission sensors, or frequency analyzers can pinpoint noise sources and types.

Frequency Analysis

Analyzing the frequency of bearing noise helps distinguish between normal operational sounds and abnormal noises.

Hands-on Inspection

Physical examination of bearings provides critical insights into their condition.

Visual and Tactile Examination

Inspecting bearings visually and through touch can reveal signs of wear, damage, or contamination.

Key Inspection Points

Focus on inspecting raceways, rolling elements, and cages for any irregularities or damage.

Advanced Diagnostic Tools

Advanced tools enhance precision in diagnosing bearing noise.

Vibration Analysis

Vibration sensors and analyzers can detect resonance frequencies and amplitude variations indicative of bearing anomalies.

Thermal Imaging

Thermal imaging cameras detect temperature differentials, highlighting frictional losses and lubrication issues.

Section 4: Remedies for Bearing Noise

Effective remedies for bearing noise involve a combination of maintenance practices, lubrication techniques, and component replacements. Implementing these strategies can significantly reduce noise and improve the performance and longevity of bearings.

Cleaning and Maintenance Practices

Regular cleaning and maintenance help prevent the buildup of contaminants that can cause noise.

Regular Cleaning Procedures

Routine cleaning removes debris and contaminants, preserving lubricant integrity and reducing friction.

Best Practices for Maintenance

Follow established maintenance schedules and inspect seals regularly to ensure they are intact and functioning properly.

Lubrication Techniques

Proper lubrication is critical for reducing friction and preventing noise.

Choosing Suitable Lubricants

Select lubricants based on their viscosity, temperature range, and load-bearing capacity to minimize friction and noise.

Application Methods

Accurate application of lubricants ensures uniform distribution and optimal performance.

Component Replacement

Replacing worn or damaged components restores bearing functionality and reduces noise.

Signs for Replacement

Increased noise, vibration, or performance degradation indicate the need for component replacement.

Step-by-Step Replacement Process

Follow manufacturer guidelines for disassembly, inspection, and installation to ensure correct fitment and alignment.

Improving Fit and Alignment

Proper fit and alignment minimize noise-induced vibrations.

Installation Techniques

Use precision tools and alignment gauges to ensure accurate positioning and secure fastening of bearings.

Alignment Tools and Methods

Implement laser alignment systems or dial indicators to achieve concentricity and parallelism.

Preventive Measures

Proactive maintenance strategies can mitigate bearing noise and enhance overall machinery reliability.

Implementing Maintenance Programs

Develop comprehensive schedules for inspections, lubrication, and condition monitoring to identify and address issues early.

Monitoring Systems

Real-time monitoring systems can detect abnormal noise patterns or performance deviations, enabling prompt corrective actions.

Remedies for Common Bearing Noises

Noise Type Remedy Description
Buzz, Roar, Howl Clean and re-lubricate Address contamination and ensure proper lubrication
Hissing Inspect and polish surfaces Smooth rough raceway, balls, or roller surfaces
Chatter Check and adjust fit Ensure proper fit and eliminate contact between cage and seal
Screech, Howl (Grinding) Realign and re-lubricate Correct poor fit and ensure resonance is minimized
Crunch, Chatter Clean and inspect Remove contaminants and replace damaged components
Rustle, Rattle Replace damaged parts Ensure raceway, balls, or roller surfaces are in good condition
Whir, Hum Address electromagnetic interference Implement proper grounding and shielding techniques
Tinkle Clean and re-lubricate Remove dust and contaminants
Rustle, Clatter, Patter Lubricate and inspect cage Ensure adequate lubrication and check for worn cage pockets
Fizz, Pop, Growl Re-lubricate and check preload Ensure sufficient lubrication and correct application of preload
Clang, Clatter Realign and replace if necessary Address instability in rolling elements and correct deformed raceway
Squeak, Squeal, Growl Adjust lubrication consistency and radial clearance Ensure proper lubricant consistency and appropriate radial clearance
Screech, Shrill, Shriek Re-lubricate and correct clearance Address spalling between rollers and ribs, ensure proper clearance
Quiet Fizzing/Popping Check and replace lubricant Ensure bubbles in grease are addressed by using appropriate lubricant
Sputter, Crackle Secure fittings and inspect mounting surface Ensure fitting flange is secure and address any grating at the mounting surface
Large Overall Sound Pressure Replace worn components and ensure proper lubrication Address wear in raceway, rollers, or balls and ensure appropriate lubrication

Section 5: Case Studies and Examples

Understanding real-world scenarios and applying expert tips are crucial for effectively managing bearing noise issues. This section presents three real-time case studies, solutions implemented, and expert recommendations to provide a comprehensive technical perspective on addressing bearing noise.

Case Study 1: Steel Mill Bearing Noise

Scenario: A steel mill reported excessive noise from bearings used in their high-capacity roll stands. The noise was identified as a combination of hissing and screeching sounds, indicating potential lubrication issues and surface roughness.


  • Inspection: A detailed inspection revealed that the bearings were contaminated with metal particles and had insufficient lubrication.
  • Cleaning and Lubrication: The bearings were thoroughly cleaned using a solvent to remove contaminants. A high-viscosity lubricant specifically designed for heavy-duty applications was applied.
  • Surface Polishing: The bearing surfaces were polished to smooth out rough areas and reduce friction.

Results: The noise levels significantly decreased, and the overall performance of the bearings improved, extending their operational life.

Expert Tip: Regular monitoring and using high-quality lubricants can prevent contamination and reduce noise in high-capacity industrial settings.

Case Study 2: Wind Turbine Bearing Vibration

Scenario: A wind turbine maintenance team encountered severe vibration and noise issues in the main shaft bearings. The noise included a growl and hum, suggesting misalignment and potential resonance issues.


  • Alignment Check: The turbine’s main shaft alignment was checked using laser alignment tools, revealing a misalignment that contributed to the noise.
  • Realignment: The shaft was realigned to ensure concentricity and parallelism.
  • Vibration Dampening: Vibration dampening pads were installed to minimize the resonance effects.

Results: Post-intervention, the noise and vibration levels dropped, resulting in smoother operation and reduced stress on the turbine components.

Expert Tip: Regular alignment checks and implementing vibration dampening measures are essential for maintaining the operational efficiency of wind turbines.

Case Study 3: Automotive Engine Bearings

Scenario: An automotive repair shop faced complaints about unusual bearing noise from a fleet of delivery vehicles. The noise, characterized as a squeal and chatter, was most prominent during acceleration.


  • Component Inspection: A thorough inspection indicated that the bearings had inadequate lubrication and were slightly misaligned.
  • Lubrication and Realignment: High-performance synthetic grease was applied, and the bearings were realigned to the manufacturer’s specifications.
  • Preventive Maintenance: A preventive maintenance schedule was implemented to regularly check and lubricate the bearings.

Results: The bearing noise was eliminated, and the vehicles’ performance improved, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.

Expert Tip: Implementing a preventive maintenance schedule can help in early detection and resolution of bearing noise issues, ensuring vehicle reliability.

Expert Tips and Recommendations

  1. Regular Maintenance: Establishing a routine maintenance schedule is crucial for early detection and resolution of bearing noise issues.
  2. Use of High-Quality Lubricants: Choosing the right lubricant based on the operational conditions can significantly reduce noise and extend bearing life.
  3. Advanced Diagnostic Tools: Employing tools such as laser alignment systems, vibration analyzers, and thermal imaging can provide precise diagnostics and effective solutions.
  4. Training and Education: Ensuring that maintenance personnel are well-trained in identifying and addressing bearing noise issues can prevent prolonged operational downtimes and costly repairs.



In conclusion, bearing noise is a critical indicator of the health and performance of machinery. By understanding the various types of bearing noises and their causes, implementing effective diagnostic techniques, and applying targeted remedies, you can ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your bearings.

Regular maintenance, proper lubrication, and timely component replacement are key strategies to mitigate bearing noise. Additionally, adopting advanced diagnostic tools and preventive measures can further enhance machinery reliability and performance.

By following the insights and recommendations provided, you can effectively manage bearing noise, reduce operational downtime, and extend the lifespan of your equipment. Always remember to stay proactive with your maintenance routines and stay informed about the latest industry practices and technologies.

More Reading

For those interested in diving deeper into the topic of bearing noise, causes, and solutions, here are some comprehensive and well-researched resources from leading industry sources such as NSK, NTN, SKF, and FAG.

Bearing Noise and Reliability Resources

  1. NSK Bearings
  2. NTN Bearings
    • NTN offers detailed information on bearing maintenance and noise reduction techniques. Their resources include technical documentation and guidelines for proper installation and lubrication.
    • NTN Technical Resources
  3. SKF Bearings
    • SKF’s knowledge center provides a wealth of information on bearing noise, including detailed analysis, troubleshooting guides, and best practices for bearing maintenance and noise reduction.
    • SKF Knowledge Center
  4. FAG Bearings
    • FAG, part of the Schaeffler Group, offers comprehensive resources on bearing noise and vibration analysis. Their technical library includes case studies, technical papers, and detailed guides on bearing diagnostics.
    • Schaeffler Technical Library

By exploring these resources, you can gain a deeper understanding of bearing noise issues, their causes, and effective solutions, as well as the significance of maintaining optimal bearing performance.

🌐 Sources

  1. NSK Technical Articles
  2. NTN Technical Resources
  3. SKF Knowledge Center
  4. Schaeffler Technical Library


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